The Moments That Matter


I spent the day yesterday with my two little cousins. I picked them up from school and took them to the cinema. We watched Moana (which was amazing!) and ate our bodyweight in sweets and popcorn. We went out for tea afterwards and talked about what they were hoping Father Christmas was going to bring them. We had a lovely day. They've got such fab little personalities and they had me in stitches all day. But the best part was our drive home. They were sat in the back of my car and decided that they they would sing me all of the songs from their nativity plays and carol concerts. We had Away In A Manger and Little Donkey - all songs I sung myself when I was at school but couldn't quite remember the words to.

As I glanced back at them in my rearview mirror, singing their little hearts out, my heart swelled. Their voices were so sweet and the songs were so nostalgic. I felt like I could have burst with pride listening to them. It was one of those moments that you just want to cling on to, that you want to burn into your memory so that you can replay it forever.

And it got me thinking about the moments that matter. I think we're all guilty of focussing on the big things, putting all of our energy into them and counting down to them. Christmas, holidays, new jobs, weddings. And they are all really important things. But I'm learning that often, the moments that matter, the ones that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, are never the ones you plan.

They aren't the big perfect moments. They're the ones that catch you off guard and blindside you. They're the ones that remind you of the important stuff in life, the ones that make you feel so lucky and grateful for everything you already have.

So as Christmas approaches, I'll be trying my hardest to remember that. Because the most important thing about this time of year isn't the presents or the food or the nights out. It's the time spent with the people you love, the people who make your heart sing with happiness.

It's the moments that matter.