

(Photo by Sarah Grace)

Well, we bloody did it! We got married. I'm a wife!

We had not only the best day ever on Saturday, but the most incredible weekend of our whole lives. I've never felt so overwhelmed with love and happiness and generosity.

Everything about our wedding ran without a hitch and I can't explain the absolutely brilliant feeling of having all of your favourite people in the same place to celebrate with you. I kept looking around at my friends dancing with my cousins or our families mingling and my heart would burst a little bit. It was magic.

I'll be writing loads more about our wedding in due course, but for today, I just wanted to check in and shout about the fact that I feel like the luckiest woman in the whole wide world.

Thank you so much for every single message, email or tweet wishing us well - Sam and I have read every single one and they've made us beam.

Speak to you all soon!

Mrs Airey xxx