Welcome to…

The Choose Joy Club.

A monthly membership to help you reconnect with your inner joy and find more of it every damn day.

A highly qualified coach and positive psychology practitioner in your back pocket.

Just £45 a month.

Are you ready to reconnect with your inner joy? Are you ready to find magic in the teeniest, tiniest moments of life? Are you ready to shake off other people’s expectations and start living life on your own terms? Are you ready to give yourself permission to prioritise your own wants and needs? Are you ready to let go of comparison and fear and imposter syndrome, and start focusing on the stuff that feels great?

Good, because The Choose Joy Club is here to help you do exactly that. Together, we’ll commit to doing everything in our power to make our lives as joyful as possible. Because, this life? It’s not a dress rehearsal. It’s happening to us right here, right now, and I’ll be damned if we don’t get to squeeze every single drop of joy out of it while we’re here

The details

What is The Choose Joy Club?

The Choose Joy Club is a monthly membership designed to help you reconnect with your inner joy and find more of it every damn day. With monthly workshops, weekly journaling prompts, quarterly check ins, and plenty of other surprises and goodies, you’ll have all the tools you need to help you get to know yourself better and start inviting more joy into your life. Plus, we have a super lovely community so you can get to know some like minded people, too.

Keep reading if you’re…

  • Done with setting your joy aside, and serious about the happiness you know you deserve

  • Looking for a permission slip to prioritise yourself and your own delight

  • Craving a community of like-minded people and a deeper connection with those who really, truly get you

  • A bit of a geek who relishes the chance to learn from the research in the field in a practical, accessible way

  • Looking for a cheerleading squad to cheer you on, hold you accountable, and support and inspire you

  • Whole-heartedly ready to thrive and flourish

Here’s what our members have to say…

“The Choose Joy Club is the best money I spend each month! I get so much value from the subscription and the positive impact it’s had on my life. It’s a brilliant investment in your mental health and well-being. Sophie is like an older sister or best friend who is always supportive and gives brilliant advice. She will also challenge your beliefs and ideas to help you fulfil your potential and live your most joyful life. The workshops are always evidence based but accessible and practical and I always leave with a sense of calm and renewed vision and purpose.”

What’s included?

  • Monthly 1 hour workshops based on a theme - including practical, applicable exercises and tools to inspire and create change

  • A second live session each month - either a group coaching check in or a book club gathering

  • Quarterly 90 minute sessions to check in on your goals, celebrate wins and re-align your actions

  • Weekly journaling prompts to help you stay connected to your intuition

  • A dedicated Facebook group so we can all stay connected (plus a space to share pet pictures, book recommendations and wins!)

  • Monthly book recommendations

  • Bonus content, goodies and extra surprises as we move through the year

Sounds good, tell me more…

Monthly research-led workshops

We take the latest exciting research in the field of positive psychology and well-being and break it down so that it’s really practical and totally accessible. This means you understand not only the what but the how and the why too, meaning it’s completely ready for you to start making positive changes.

Every month is based on a different theme, selected to support you in living your most joyful life as we move through the year.

Group coaching check ins

Every other month we gather together for 60-90 minutes of group coaching. this is your opportunity to work through challenges or get advice on issues, to ask questions and to learn from your fellow members.

Book club

On the months when we don’t have our group coaching check ins, we get together for our bi-monthly book club. we’ll alternate between fiction and non-fiction, and have some juicy chats about our experience of reading the chosen book.

Quarterly GOAL SETTING sessions

Every 3 months we have a bonus session that’s all about checking in and reflecting. These sessions help us stay on track with our goals, notice what is and isn’t bringing us joy, and help us to make change that feels great to us.

Weekly journaling prompts

I’m a big believer that regular journaling can help us build a better relationship with our intuition, which in turn helps us to keep prioritising our joy. As well as a copy of my journaling guide, all members have access to weekly journaling prompts to help you check in and get to know yourself a little better.

Community & connection

Outside of our workshops and calls, we stay connected via a private slack channel, where we check in, support each other and celebrate our wins. Being around like-minded people is such an important part of making any change, and our community is one of the most genuine, joyful and supportive around.

Monthly book recommendations

Every month I a round-up of books I think you’ll love - from the books that had the biggest impact on my mindset, to the fiction reads that are packed with joy.

Extra treats throughout the year

Because surprise and delight go hand in hand, right?! Expect guest workshops, bonus content and other goodies you’ll love as we move through the year.

 What sets The Choose Joy Club apart from other memberships?

  • It brings a unique blend of coaching techniques and positive psychology to help you figure out what will bring you more joy and take action 

  • It’s informed by the latest research in these fields - so you can trust that any guidance or advice has been tried, tested and proven to work

  • Its sole focus is joy and helping you find more of it - no arbitrary goals here!

  • We know that joy looks different to all of us, so there’s no pressure to achieve or do anything that doesn’t feel great to you

  • We have the most joyful, supportive and inspiring community around!

What’s coming up in The Choose Joy Club?


2nd April - Resetting For The New Season

5th April - Quarterly Goal Setting Session

15th April - Book Club


14th May - The Power of Microadventures with Katie Chesworth

27th May - Book Club

Bonus Workshop - The Power of Small Joys


17th June - Seasonal Joy in Nature with Natalie Rossiter

26th June - Group Coaching

Bonus Workshop - The Half-Way Check In


2nd July - Defeating the Inner Critic

6th July - Quarterly Goal Setting Session

17th July - Book Club


6th August - Getting the Rest You Need to Thrive

19th August - Group Coaching


3rd September - Setting Your Goals for the Rest of 2025

18th September - Book Club


1st October - What to Do When You Don’t Feel Joyful

5th October - Quarterly Goal Setting Session

21st October - Group Coaching


5th November - Building Resilience & Managing Stress

18th November - Book Club


3rd December - Ending the Year on a High

11th December - Group Coaching


  • That's fine, you can cancel at any time.

  • There will be a 60 minute workshop every month (you can either join live or watch it back in your own time), plus a 90 minute quarterly check in every 3 months.

    The rest of the content (journaling prompts, book recommendations, etc) can take up as much or as little time as you like!

  • The monthly workshops take place on Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month at 8pm UK time.

    Don’t worry if you can’t make it live as all of the sessions are recorded and uploaded to the group membership site.

Here’s what our members have to say…

"I love being in The Choose Joy Club. I think it's amazing value for money. I am having my best year yet and I put it down to The Choose Joy Club. In some of the past quarterly check-ins I haven't had much to write and it's really made me sit down and think about what I need to do to have an amazing next quarter. So far this quarter I've got a new job, tried loads of new things, and pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I'm really growing as a result."

“This has been a truly life-changing investment into myself. I genuinely haven't felt this happy or in control of my life ever, and it has really enabled me to learn about living with ADHD in a judgemental way which has helped me be a better mum, teacher and friend (even to myself) and I am truly grateful.”