Some Goals For 2019


If you subscribe to my newsletter, The Weekly Pep Talk, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of setting intentions for the year ahead, rather than signing up to strict resolutions, or forcing myself to break those habits that society deems unhealthy. But this year, I thought it might be fun to set myself a couple of little goals too. They aren’t hugely stretching or life altering, but they’re the sort of goals that will bring a little more joy to life, goals that will remind me to keep the important things front and centre.

And if I complete them, 2019 is bound to be a very fun year indeed...

1) Read another 52 books

I’ve been setting myself a little reading challenge for the last few years and it’s really helped me get back into the habit of curling up with a book regularly which I love. Last year I set myself the goal of 52 books and I just about exceeded my target with 55 books read in 2018, so I’d like to aim for the same again this year.

I’ve already got a stack piled up next to my bed to dive into, so bring it on! If you want to follow along with my challenge on Goodreads you can do so here, and I think I might share some mini book reviews on IG stories this year, too. What do you think? 

2) Try 52 new recipes

I absolutely LOVE cooking, but I’m definitely guilty of going back to the same handful of recipes week in, week out. We have tonnes of cookbooks that sit on our shelves untouched, so now that our kitchen is finished and I have a nice space to cook in, I’d love to set myself the challenge of trying 52 new recipes in 2019.

I hope it helps me uncover some little gems that can become our new classics, and if nothing else, it will be a tasty way to challenge myself this year. Again, I think I might keep track of these on IG stories, so make sure you’re following there if you’d like to see what I’m cooking!

3) Keep practicing yoga

In December I worked my way through Yoga with Adriene’s 30 Days of Yoga, and it made me fall in love with the practice in a way I never have before. I really savoured those little moments of calm everyday, and seeing my flexibility and strength improve was so rewarding too.

I’d love to keep practicing this year - whether that’s at home, or even braving a local class. I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to manage #yogaeverydamnday around my busy schedule, but I can give it a shot, right?!

4) Spend more time outdoors

While working through my Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019 journal, I realised that I am happiest when I’m outdoors - walking in the countryside, breathing in the fresh sea air, or exploring a new city on foot. And so this year I want to make spending time outdoors a priority - I want to schedule it in my diary, plan weekends away in the middle of nowhere and get outside at every possible opportunity.

We already have a lovely long weekend in the Lake District planned, but I’m also hoping to go camping more this year, spend more time by the sea on Anglesey, and just generally make the most of the beautiful countryside on our doorstep.

5) Indulge my creativity

Last but by no means least - I want 2019 to be all about getting creative! My brain is never calmer and more peaceful than when I’m making something with my hands, and there’s something about getting crafty that helps inspire creativity in the rest of my life. This year I want to make more things “just because”, rather than stuffing every spare minute with productive pursuits.

My friends bought me a ticket to a crochet workshop for my birthday which I’m hoping to use next month, and I’d also love to try my hand at flower arranging - I think I caught the bug while making my Christmas wreath!

What are your goals for this year? Do you have any like these that are just for fun?

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