My manifesto for 2020


Keep reading. Read voraciously and unashamedly. Read a wide variety of genres - remember than in 2019, some of the books you didn’t think you’d enjoy ended up being your favourites. Use the library more, but don’t feel guilty about buying some books either - especially if you’re supporting a small business.

Try more recipes. Give yourself permission to try those complicated dishes that you’ve always written off as faffy - it’s not wasted time if you enjoy it, and cooking is a form of meditation. Cook often for the people you love. Host dinner parties and Sunday lunches, because you’re never happier than when you have people gathered around your table. But remember that it’s important to nourish yourself when you’re home alone, too - avoiding the ready meal and whipping up something delicious just for you is a gorgeous act of self-care.

Fill the year with adventures, but remember that adventure doesn’t have to involve travel. Embrace adventure in every way you can imagine - weekends filled with spontaneity, weekly solo hikes, exploring all of the beautiful places right here on your doorstep. When you do travel, travel mindfully. Don’t be swayed by the cheap flights or the convenience - instead, plan trips that leave you feeling tingly just thinking about them. 

In 2019 you finally learned the importance of boundaries, and started to establish them. This year, protect them with all of your might. Know that doing that doesn’t make you selfish, it makes you sensible. Those boundaries create space for the people and things most important to you, for the people and things that bring you joy. 

Spend more time outdoors. Swim in the sea, walk on the moors, get lost in the woods. Stretch. Look up at the stars, and stay connected to the moon and her movements. Take time to notice the seasons changing around you. Remember that the world is so much bigger than what’s going on inside your head. 

Focus on community and connection this year. Spend more time with the people who make you feel like sunshine. Do more to help those who are struggling. Nurture those relationships most important to you, and be open to meeting new people. Do whatever you can to feel rooted and grounded in your home city again - it’s what you’re craving after so many years of constantly being on the move. 

Spend less time seeing life through a screen, and more time out there living it. Spend less time watching what everyone else is up to, and more time making your own shit happen. Remember that the best way to avoid comparison is to stay committed to living a joyful life. 

Take more risks. Have the courage to move outside of your comfort zone every now and then, because that’s where the magic happens. But know that it’s okay to prioritise ease, too. Your worth is not defined by your productivity or your output. 

Practice gratitude at every opportunity. Remember that you really don’t need a lot in order to live a joyful life. Focus on the small everyday glimmers of happiness, and don’t take any of it for granted. Tell the people you love how much you love them. Show them, too. 

Be open to new opportunities. Adopt an attitude of curiosity and flexibility, instead of trying to plan every moment - sometimes the very best memories are made when you least expect them. Keep checking in with yourself. Practice kindness at every opportunity - both to others and to yourself. Listen to your gut - it’s usually right. 

And no matter what 2020 brings, keep joy as your North Star.

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5 habits to make 2020 more joyful


A joyful to do list for January