5 journaling prompts to help you welcome in spring


While it might not technically be spring for another couple of weeks yet, I always see the beginning of March as the unofficial start of the season. There’s a change in the air - the days are getting longer, the blossom is starting to appear on the trees, and suddenly, it feels like the end of winter is in sight. 

I know I’m not alone in loving spring. It’s a time filled with such promise and hope, and if you’re someone who struggles to get going in January, the arrival of this new season can be the perfect time of year to set some new goals and shift your intentions. And even if you’re already nailing 2020, I think we could all benefit from using this transitional time as a little reminder to slow down and take stock. 

If you’ve been following my work for any length of time then you’ll know I’m a big fan of checking in and reflecting regularly. Giving ourselves that time to pause and consider how life is going allows us to live with more purpose and intention, which in turn, allows us to invite more joy into our lives. So today, I thought I’d share some journaling prompts to guide you through your own process of reflection as we say goodbye to one season and welcome another. 

Grab your favourite notebook and pen, make yourself a cuppa, and let’s jump in. 

What did winter teach you?

When you look back over the past couple of months, what have you learned? What has this season taught you? How have you changed since winter began? Making a note of these lessons can remind you how much you’ve grown and progressed, and reflecting on your learnings gives you the opportunity to truly process them, which will help you to build stronger foundations for the future. 

Is there anything you want to leave behind in the passing season?

Did winter present you with any challenges? Were there any periods that you struggled with? Stop and think about anything you’d like to actively leave behind with the passing season, whether that’s negative thought patterns, bad habits you’ve fallen into, or toxic situations that are draining your positive energy. Use this leap from winter to spring as an opportunity to draw a line under any negativity and put your best foot forwards.

What intention do you want to bring to the new season?

As we enter a brand new season, think about what you want this next couple of months to stand for. What’s your priority this spring? What do you want to focus on? Are there any areas of your life that could do with a bit more love and attention? Use the answers to those questions to set yourself a guiding intention or mantra that you can hold close throughout the coming weeks and months. 

What seeds do you want to plant this spring?

Spring is a season of new life and growth in nature, and I love the idea of bringing that energy to our own lives, too. What metaphorical seeds would you like to plant this spring? What new habits would you love to adopt? What changes would feel really good to make? It’s a great time of year to start focusing your energy on the important things and dreaming about how your life will be different once those seeds start to come to fruition. 

What would you love to achieve in the coming weeks or months?

Finally, let’s set ourselves some goals for the new season ahead. What would you love to achieve? What would you love to make happen? It can sometimes help to look back at any goals or intentions you set at the beginning of the year and check in with your progress - how can you harness the springtime energy to keep yourself moving in the right direction? Make a list, and keep coming back to it throughout the next couple of months.

Let me know if you use these prompts to conduct your own seasonal reflection - I’d love to hear what comes up for you!

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