4 positive affirmations to use during a period of uncertainty


If you’ve been around these parts for any length of time, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of positive affirmations (you can read my previous post about them here). I teach about them on my group programmes, I recommend them as a tool to all of my coaching clients, and I can honestly say that in my own life, they have radically changed my mindset and how I perceive the world around me.

You can use affirmations to help with any mindset changes you’re trying to make, but today I wanted to share some positive affirmations that can help during a period of uncertainty. Because, well, if 2020 was to have a theme, I reckon we could all agree that uncertainty would be it!

My hope is that the affirmations below will help you to navigate this strange period, when our plans are all up in the air and our lives are changing at a speed none of us were prepared for. Getting into the habit of practicing them regularly (writing them down, speaking them aloud, reading them) should help you to approach these choppy waters with a sense of calm and cool.

Here are 4 positive affirmations to use during a period of uncertainty...

I trust the timing of my life

This is one of the affirmations I’ve been practicing daily for a few years now, but I’ve been finding it particularly useful in the last couple of months. It reminds me that while sometimes lift doesn’t go “to plan”, everything usually works out for the best in the end - a reminder that I think we could all do with right now.

I am more than my feelings

I know I’m not the only one who’s been on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster during lockdown - some days are fine and dandy, and other days I feel anxious, sad, or just downright frustrated. Practicing this affirmation reminds me that I am more than my feelings, and that I can simply wait for them to pass. 

I believe in my ability to figure things out

This is an affirmation I’ve been recommending A LOT to my clients recently. We’ve all found ourselves in situations where we’ve had to adapt and pivot - whether that’s within our work lives, our finances, or our home set ups. This affirmation helps us to trust that we have the skills and abilities to figure things out, which feels like a much more empowering space to occupy than drowning in worry or fear. 

I am open to new experiences and opportunities for growth

Finally, I wanted to include this affirmation which is a reminder that uncertainty can be a great opportunity for growth. We often see fear uncertainty because our negative bias tells us that change is bad, but actually, things not going according to plan can make space for experiences that are even more enriching. 

Are you a fan of positive affirmations?

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