What's really holding you back?


If I was to ask you what’s holding you back from living your very best life right now, what would your answer be?

Would it be time? Perhaps you believe that if you just had a few more hours in the day, you could start making the changes you want to make. Maybe you’d tell me that you’re lacking in skills - that you need to do more learning or training before you start truly living your dream. Or perhaps you’d give me the most common answer: money. Because we all like to believe that with a bit more cash in the bank, all of our problems would be solved.

Of course - all of those answers are completely valid. More time, more knowledge and more money can certainly make life easier and more enjoyable. But I’d hazard a guess that there’s something a little bit closer to home that’s holding you back right now: your mindset.

Because the truth is, you can have all the time, skills and money in the world, but if you don’t truly believe that you’re capable or worthy of living the life you dream of, you’re never going to make it happen. 

I know because I’ve been there. I’ve known that I wanted to build a business and work for myself for at least 5 years, if not longer. I knew, deep down, that I’d never feel fully satisfied until I’d made that happen. And yet I cycled through every excuse I could think of - I didn’t have the time to come up with a plan while I was working a full time job. I didn’t have the skills or qualifications necessary to do the type of work I wanted to do. I couldn’t risk leaving my secure, well paid job until I had a wealth of savings behind me.

But do you know what? The only thing that was standing in the way of me living a life that felt great to me was a sense of self belief and self worth. And the only thing that changed between me dreaming about the possibility of owning my business and actually building that business of my dreams was my mindset. I didn’t suddenly find a wad of cash or an abundance of time - I simply worked on building my confidence, identified my patterns of self sabotage, and stopped getting in my own damn way.

And so I wanted to ask you today - what’s really holding you back? Is something tangible, like money or time? Or is it something more deeply rooted? Is it a fear of failure? A fear of success? A lack of confidence? A constant cycle of self sabotage? A mindset that is lacking in some way?

Because if it’s the latter, it doesn’t matter how much more time, knowledge or money you acquire - nothing will change until your mindset does. So turn your focus there - work on building the confidence, building the self belief, building the sense of worth. Put the energy into cultivating a positive mindset, and trust me - everything else will follow.

And if you need a little help in doing that, my new programme, Master Your Mindset, is for you - you can find out more and enrol here.

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