How to conduct your own quarterly check in


Today is the 1st of April, which means we’re officially a quarter of the way into 2021. For a long time, April 1st meant nothing more to me than April Fools Day, but for the last few years, it’s also signalled the day I complete my first quarterly check in of the year.

I’m a big fan of quarterly check ins, and in this post I’ll be telling you more about the benefits, as well as giving you some tips on how to conduct your own.

What is a quarterly check in?

A quarterly check in is the opportunity to sit down and review how the last few months have been going. You can check in on your goals, reflect on what you’ve learnt, and get intentional about your goals and plans for the month ahead.

What are the benefits of conducting your own quarterly check in?

Conducting a quarterly check in has tonnes of benefits. First of all, it gives you the opportunity to check in your goals. So many of us set goals or resolutions in January and then forget all about them until the end of the year rolls around, but by checking in every 3 months, we keep our goals at the front of our minds, which means we’re more likely to take action towards them.

Another reason why I love a quarterly check in is because it makes it much easier to be intentional with our time and actions. When we reflect we can see what’s been working, what hasn’t, and where our energy will be best spent in the coming weeks and months.

And finally, my favourite reason for conducting a quarterly check in is that it creates an opportunity to celebrate! We often rush onto the next goal or action without taking some time out to give ourselves a pat on the back, but a regular check in will remind you to celebrate all the progress you’re making.

So, what’s involved in a quarterly check in?

The way I like to conduct my quarterly check in is by using a series of questions that I’ve shared below:

What happened in the last 3 months? 

This is an opportunity for you to refamiliarise yourself with what the last few months have been all about. Make a list of the things that have happened, big and small - you might like to use your calendar or Instagram archive to help jog your memory.

What went well this quarter? 

This question is all about noticing what’s been working well for you in the last few months. List your achievements, any good habits you’ve been adopting and any little routines or rituals that you’ve been enjoying. Don’t be modest - this is your opportunity to celebrate!

What felt challenging?

It’s also important to reflect on what’s felt challenging, because when we create space to notice what’s not working, we give ourselves permission to change. Reflect on what’s felt tricky and make a list of anything you’d like to change moving forwards. 

What do you want to let go of?

Building on the last question, this prompt is all about being intentional about what you’d like to let go of. This could be bad habits, negative thought patterns or behaviours that are no longer serving you. 

What are your intentions for the next quarter/season?

Finally, it’s time to look to the future and think about what you’d like the coming months to hold. What intentions do you have for the next quarter? What would you like the upcoming season to be all about? You might also like to get more specific and set some goals.


There you have it - how to conduct your own quarterly check in. I’d love to know your thoughts, and let me know how you find it if you give it a go! 

Pin for later:

quarterly check in.png

My spring/summer bucket list


Catching up & checking in