A joyful to do list for September 2021


Happy September, everyone! I have long loved this month - it was always my favourite when I was at school, and that hasn’t changed as I’ve grown up. I love the fresh start feeling in the air, the anticipation of autumn on the horizon, the golden sunrises and the sense of possibility that this month brings. 

It’s always a year that I want to savour while it’s here, and so today I thought I’d share some ways to invite a little joy into your September...

Embrace the return of routine

After a very gorgeous but very busy summer, I’m really excited about getting back into a new routine. I love that this time of year brings a familiar rhythm, and I’m looking forward to getting back into my usual habits and schedules - bring on the comfort, familiarity and joy that routine brings!

Set yourself some new goals

September is the perfect time for goal setting. There’s a sort of new year energy in the air thanks to the back to school season, and there’s still a decent chunk of time to make some great stuff happen before the end of the year. Get your notebook out, spend some time dreaming about how you’d love life to look come New Year’s Eve, and commit your plans to paper.

Print your favourite summer photos

While your memories are still fresh in your mind, take some time this month to print your favourite summer photos. Hang them up somewhere at home, or stick them in a scrapbook - either way, having a physical print out of all those sunny moments will help you to make the memories last longer. 

Watch out for the first signs of autumn

September brings the first signs of autumn, and if you pay close attention, you can literally watch the seasons change before your eyes. Keep a look out for the colours changing on the trees, the sunsets drawing in earlier, and delicious fruit like apples, pears and dates coming into season after spending the summer ripening. 

Treat yourself to a new notebook

New season, new notebook! Embrace the back to school vibes and treat yourself to a new pretty notebook while the shops are full of them. It’s amazing what a blank page can do for your creativity and productivity, and there are always so many pretty ones about at this time of year.

Soak up the last of the good weather

Last but by no means least, spend some time this month soaking up every last bit of the sunshine! Before we know it we’ll be all bundled up in coats and scarves and complaining about the rain, so get out there and top your vitamin D up while you still can.

What’s on your to do list for September?