A manifesto for 2022

Measure your days not by how much work you have done, but by how much joy you have experienced. Leave work on time, make the most of your lunch breaks, leave tasks on your to do list unticked - work will wait, but your life won’t.

Prioritise adventure, but remember that adventure doesn’t necessarily mean travel. Embrace it in every way you can imagine - weekends filled with spontaneity, weekly solo hikes, exploring beautiful spots right on your doorstep. When you do travel, travel mindfully. Try not to be swayed by cheap flights and convenience - instead, plan trips that leave you feeling tingly just thinking about them.

Meet your body’s basic needs in the same way you would a toddlers. Get to bed on time, get some fresh air, eat three meals a day plus snacks. Life will feel easier if you take better care of yourself. 

Tune into what makes you feel good, and do more of it. Don’t wait for anybody else to give you permission - know that your desire is reason enough. 

Spend less time seeing life through a screen, and more time out there living it. Spend less time watching what everyone else is up to, and more time making your own shit happen. Remember that the best way to avoid comparison is to stay committed to living a joyful life. 

Notice the stories you’re telling about yourself. Question where they came from, discard any that no longer serve you well. Strive to make your stories more positive, more generous, and more optimistic.

Practice gratitude at every opportunity. Remember that you really don’t need a lot in order to live a joyful life. Focus on the small everyday glimmers of happiness, and don’t take any of it for granted. 

Tell the people you love how much you love them. Show them, too. 

Be open to new opportunities. Adopt an attitude of curiosity and flexibility, instead of trying to plan every moment - sometimes the very best memories are made when you least expect them. Know that feeling scared is okay every now and then, so long as it’s moving you in the right direction.

Keep on learning. Give yourself permission to change your mind often - the smartest people usually do. Read books, listen to music, have interesting conversations. Notice what captures your curiosity and give yourself some space to explore it - you never know where that curiosity will lead.

Don’t fall into the trap of trying to shrink yourself to fit in. Instead, strive to take up more space. Add more beauty to your life instead of stripping things away. Use joy as your north star instead of willpower or expectation. Notice how it helps you to sleep better at night.

Look up at the stars often and remember how insignificant we all are. Look around at your loved ones often and remember how important you are to them.

Spend more time outdoors. Swim in the sea, walk on the moors, get lost in the woods. Stretch. Get up early to watch the sunrise, stay up late to watch the sunset. Take time to notice the seasons changing around you. 

Keep checking in with yourself. Journal or meditate if you can, and work on building a relationship with your intuition. Listen to your gut - it’s usually right.

Make this the year you take action. That tiny seed of an idea that’s been whispering to you? Nurture it. Show it some attention and guide it gently into the world. You wouldn’t have the idea if you didn’t have what it takes to make it happen. 

Look for the good, especially when times get tricky. Even during the toughest periods, there are always people helping, there is always good to be found. Focusing on it will make you feel less alone.

And finally, know that whatever you’re experiencing right now, good or bad, this too shall pass. You will never again be this young, you will never again have this moment right in front of you. Savour it, learn from it, and then move onto the next moment. Change is the only guarantee, and to try to resist it is futile.


Free resources to help you make 2022 your most joyful year yet


Signing off for 2021