Client stories

 “I decided to work with Sophie because I wanted a new direction and wanted to carve a new path rooted in joy and confidence. I felt that Sophie could help me see that this was possible and equip me with tools to help me.

While working together, Sophie has helped me discover skills and attributes that I thought I didn't have, and helped me to see how I have used these traits in past experiences. She has also helped me discover my core values feature in my daily life, and how to work on those that aren't as prominent. 

I have learned that gratitude practice and small actions each week to help me reach a larger goal is a good way for me to initiate change. Things are still a working progress for me, but I think I am learning to say no to the things that keep me in a pattern that I'm trying to break away from, and I have changed my perspective on staying in a career just because it's safe - I feel that I can now work towards a flexible, free and joyful path.

Sophie's coaching style creates a safe space for clients like me to share personal thoughts, feelings and goals. She is welcoming, understanding, compassionate and empathetic. Sophie is so knowledgeable in her field of expertise and is able to explore the psychology and reasoning behind her approach and / or questions. I have had such a positive experience.

Sophie is a fantastic coach who listens and responds with thoughtful questions and different perspectives. Everything is centred around creating a sense of confidence in you, your goals and ambitions. She provides you with constant support - in and out of sessions - and encourages you to be the creator of your own joyful path. She is someone that makes you feel safe to talk openly and there is a genuine care for you as an individual.”

- amy

“Working with Sophie changed my life! When we first started working together I was really stressed at work and feeling a bit stuck. I wasn’t sure how to improve my work life balance, reduce my stress and not let people down or damage a career I had worked hard for. I was pretty teary on a regular basis. Covid was still having a big impact and life seemed quite uncertain but I had enjoyed the greater freedom I had in my personal life during lockdowns etc.

Through working with Sophie i have been able to refocus on smaller goals and moments rather than always being focused on the big picture, what ifs and future. This has enabled me to find joy everyday and I now really analyse opportunities to ensure that they are what I want to do. I give a huge chunk of myself to look after others and through working with Sophie, I have been able to see that by putting my needs and wants first I do a better job of being there for others that I care about. I am far more reflective now and break things down into smaller pieces to ensure I enjoy the journey.

Sessions with Sophie were just like chatting with a friend who knows you well! She knew when I needed more structure sessions and when I needed to get things off my chest, it was a great balance for me!”

- Stacey

 “When I first started working with Sophie, I was feeling really unhappy with the 9-5 - I craved flexibility and freedom and wasn't getting that in my current career. I felt torn between the pressure of continuing to climb the career ladder and the desire I had for a more flexible life not measured by time spent at a desk. Whilst I felt this flexibility and freedom was missing, I lacked the confidence to do anything about it.

I have learnt and progressed so much since working with Sophie. I now set goals which align with my values, I don't care about promotions, pay rises and fancy job titles, I just want to build a life that I feel happy in and that gives me the flexibility to do what I want, when I want. I've gone from not having the confidence to feel I can do something different to retaining and launching a business over the last 12 months. I've also learnt how important it is to take a step back and celebrate your wins - often you feel like you haven't progressed as much as you'd like but Sophie encouraged me to see how much I'd achieved and celebrate it!

I would describe Sophie’s coaching style as friendly, approachable and encouraging. She really enables you to understand what is important to you and how to get to where you want to be, and she helps you see why your current goals might not be working. finally, Sophie truly supports you to get to a place you're genuinely happy with your everyday life.”

- Jo

 “I would 100% recommend working with Sophie to anyone who wants to find more joy and positivity in their lives!

I decided to start working with Sophie because I felt like I was in a bit of a negativity spiral where I always looked at the worst side of things. this affected my personal confidence and made me feel like I wasn't joyful enough. I wanted to spend more time doing things which made me happy but I didn't really know what that looked like.

Since working together I have discovered my joyful, positive side! Through a few tools and techniques for slowly switching my mindset, I've managed to look mostly on the positive side of things without feeling like I've lost any part of myself. I felt before like I needed to change as a person but now I feel like the same person but a happier version of myself. although I still don't feel like the most confident person in the world, I've learnt to accept that that's part of me and I don't give myself a hard time for any natural part of my personality.

Working on coaching with Sophie was like chatting with a friend every couple of weeks, but the friend who had all the answers to your problems! She is so reassuring - never putting me down for the way I was thinking and helping me realise that my thoughts were actually very natural and normal. I never felt unsure about sharing anything and I knew Sophie would be able to help me talk through anything I was feeling.”

- Cat

“When I first started working with Sophie, I was thinking about how best to set up as a health coach but didn't really know where to start and how it would work in practice.

In our time working together, I've learnt so much about what's important to me and how that translates into how I want to work. I feel so much more confident in working out how I want to run my business rather than relying on what other people do to guide me. I've learnt who my clients could be and how I could help them, and a whole load of practical things around pricing and packages, I've built a new website and learnt so much about marketing. perhaps most importantly, I've learnt to trust my judgement.

Sophie’s style is incredibly nurturing and supportive, wise but not pushy. Sophie is a great listener and has found an amazing balance between letting you do the thinking but also giving well-timed advice.

If you’re thinking about working with Sophie, I’d say go for it! She is focused on helping you build a life that fits you.”

- Lucy

 “I’m proof that Sophie’s coaching works as in 3 short months, my life has changed completely. I can't remember what my business was like before if I'm honest - it feels like it was always meant to be like this, and Sophie was the catalyst that made this happen. She offered me direction and ideas that I potentially wouldn't have thought about before, she built my confidence and made me believe in my own ideas. If you're looking to make changes to your life, to create more balance, to live a happier more fulfilled life, Sophie is a must. For me, it's been life changing and that's not an exaggeration.

When working together, I felt like Sophie could relate to everything we spoke about in some way - in terms of my business pivot, she's been there, achieved that, so it was nice to be able to speak to someone three steps ahead of me! she's knowledgeable, relatable, listens - and I mean properly listens, remembers key details from session to session, and has been a cheerleader from the get go with the changes I've made.

Since working with Sophie I've rediscovered my motivation and drive, the confidence in myself and my ideas has increased dramatically, I've learnt to follow my instincts and go with what my gut is telling me to do, and stop focusing so much on "when the right time is" or whether people will accept the changes I'm making to my business. I realised the right people will follow.”

- Victoria

 “If you want to discover what truly makes you happy in life and actually start doing it, then you need to work with Sophie! it's the best investment that you will ever make in yourself.

When we first started working together, I was dabbling in a few side projects and was really stuck on how to move forward and wondering if i had the confidence to turn them into something more.

Since then, I've discovered what it is that brings me joy in life and I've learned that I definitely have what it takes to make my dreams come true. I started with very little confidence in myself and a lot of self-sabotaging thoughts but Sophie helped me to bring my spark back to life. she asked all the right questions and provided me with the tools I needed to find what truly brought me happiness and how to be authentically myself.

Sophie’s coaching style is pure magic! What I love the most is that she doesn't tell you what to do, she asks the right questions that help you make your own discoveries and provides you with the tools to smash your goals. Every session was a massive confidence boost and I always felt so motivated afterwards.”

- Rachael

“I highly recommend working with Sophie as she has the most wonderful way of bringing joy to the forefront of every aspect of the coaching journey. I left each session filled with creative ideas and was just itching for the next session.

I learned so much about myself from working with Sophie - the list is endless! The thing that stood out the most is that I was able to set boundaries and decipher what felt right in my 9-5 jobs but when it came to figuring out my own business, they all went out the window. I was following what I thought I SHOULD do, rather than what felt right. I wasn't setting boundaries around my time, I was engaging in social media in a way that felt uncomfortable for me and I wasn't being true to myself. I've since gone away and really focused on what is important to me, how I want to feel as well as my clients and what is going to enable me to show up authentically. This has meant actually taking a step back before moving forward and is something I have only felt confident to do thanks to Sophie.”

- Laura

 “If you’re looking for clarity around your thoughts, your passions and your purpose, working with Sophie will help with that. She will help you to build your confidence and make you believe in yourself, as well as being an accountability partner as you start to pursue your dreams. Since working with Sophie I have clear goals and intentions, as well as manageable strategies to help me achieve them. I now feel excited when I wake up in the morning, which I honestly haven't felt since probably a child on Christmas morning!

When I first started working with Sophie I was a mess! I had reached a point in my life where I was so unhappy in my work that it consumed my thoughts. I was working full-time and suddenly realised how much of my 2-year old daughter's life I was missing and had missed. I knew I couldn't keep up with the hours that my job demanded but had no idea what to do next. I had tried many career paths in my twenties and felt totally burned out at the prospect of what I would do for the rest of my life. I woke up miserable and anxious every single day and honestly couldn't see a way out.

Since working with Sophie I’ve discovered that the reason I have always been so unhappy in my jobs is because none of them aligned with my values. if I am totally honest, before working with Sophie i had never ever thought about values and never knew how important they were. through practical activities we dug deep and managed to pick out what was important to me and I realised exactly what path I needed to go down in the future. I started to have a sense of purpose and drive and the days suddenly started to look brighter.

I have now transitioned into part-time work but am starting my own business which I have nothing but excitement and drive for! I never would have been brave enough or maybe even realised that this is what I am meant to do if I hadn’t worked with Sophie.

Sophie honestly feels like a good friend. but a friend who is your biggest fan. Her style is relaxed, funny and extremely down-to-earth. I would never feel nervous going into a call because she would always make me feel better no matter what mood I was turning up in. What is also wonderful is that Sophie has been through a lot in her own life which makes her so relatable and she really makes you feel like you're not alone. she helped me to see strengths that I didn't even know existed simply by asking the right questions.”

- Tara

 “When I first started working with Sophie I was feeling overwhelmed and overworked!

Sophie has helped me set better boundaries in my business so I can spend more time with my family. she also really encouraged me to take time to celebrate what I have achieved rather than always looking for the next thing to do immediately. It's really helped me stay focused on what I'm working on and enjoy my business more.

Sophie’s coaching style is fun, laidback and powerful! if you’re thinking of working with her I’d say do it!!!! Sophie will support you to thrive and make the most of what you have in a way that really doesn't feel pushy or "not you".”

- Dani

 “Sophie is a joy to work with and will help you discover what you want from your life right now. She will guide you in getting really clear on your goals and help you build the confidence to start taking action. 

When we first started working together I was stuck in a place of wanting to change my career. I was unsure how to go about it with little confidence in myself being able to see the change through. I had an idea of what I wanted to do instead, but no real concrete plans or goals in place. when I look back to how I was thinking back then I can see I didn't have any self belief that I'd be able to become unstuck and move forward.

Since our first coaching call I've become really clear on my future vision for my life and business. I've completely changed careers, built a new brand and started working with clients which I could've only dreamed of before we started working together.

Throughout my time working with sophie i've noticed a real change in myself. I've grown into someone who believes in themselves and has a much more positive outlook on life. Sophie helped me really discover what career change I wanted to make and helped me get really honest with myself about it - she has helped me to stop hiding and start playing big in all areas of my life. The mindset work that we have done together has been invaluable to my life and I know I'll continuously come back to these tools that Sophie has shared with me. 

Sophie instantly made me feel at ease and I could be open and honest with her from the very start. She listens to everything that I say during our calls and never makes me feel silly or that anything that I say doesn't matter. Sophie coaches with warmth and kindness which I know is why I've got so much from the experience - it has been invaluable.”

- Alicia

 “When I started working with Sophie, I felt totally lost. I was working and devoting myself to my steady 9-5 job but I knew that it wasn't what I wanted from life and that it wasn't making me happy. this lack of satisfaction was impacting other areas of my life and I felt almost scared to make any changes.

Since working together I have been able to completely redefine what happiness means to me and identify that what I want to do most in my life is make a difference. I have learnt that it is ok to say no, to make changes and move on from roles and people that are holding me back.

I am now in a position to be able shape my future - I know where I want to be in 1, 3 and 5 years time, i have (for the first time) identified some real life goals and feel happy & confident in my ability to achieve them.

Sophie is so adaptable, open and honest, she is able to dig deeper into an emotion and / or feeling without feeling invasive and so, so understanding. She has helped me navigate through some of the biggest changes in my life without hitting any icebergs and helped me to achieve the clarity I so desperately needed.

Working with Sophie is like working with your best friend - I always look forward to our sessions and finish them feeling so full of inspiration and gratitude. if you're feeling lost, confused, alone, isolated, in need of direction - Sophie is the coach for you.”

- Emma

 “When I started working with Sophie, I had spent a lot of time reflecting and slowing down, but in doing so I'd taken away a lot of the things that I would say had defined me, and I felt like I'd become a little lost and untethered. I was ready to start working towards something again, but I wasn't sure what, and I wasn't sure how.

I've discovered (and rediscovered) some of the things that make me who I am, and the things that bring me joy. I've unearthed my personal values, and I've learned some really key techniques that have helped me to feel more joyful and keep true to myself, like positive affirmations, gratitude practices and self-kindness. but most of all, I've learned to trust myself and I can honestly say that there's no better gift. that I now trust myself to do what's kind and positive and good for me, without a goal to work towards and a set of boxes to tick off, or a strict schedule to stick to, is absolutely transformative. It's a change that's reframed the way I think, and the way I talk to myself, and I know it's going to impact the rest of my life.

Coaching with Sophie is like catching up with that great friend who somehow has the most incredible insight and knows exactly what you need to hear and when. She's so intuitive, and listens closely to what you're not saying as much as what you are saying, to help unearth what you want to address. She's full of fascinating wisdom and manageable suggestions to help you move forward in your own way and at your own pace, and is great at finding common ground that brings these sometimes big conversations back to our innate human-ness.

Sophie's mission to live a life that's full of joy is so infectious, and the perfect foundation to build from if you're after the same thing. Whether you're looking at life-changing goals or simple daily actions, Sophie can help you see the little shifts you can make to set the big changes in motion. it's an absolute pleasure to work with her.”

- Jess

 “I was about 5 months into my new business when I started working with Sophie. I was feeling very anxious about how I would make it financially sustainable and was trying out lots of different things.

I think what I've gained from working with Sophie falls into two main areas. firstly, she has given me some really practical advice and clear tasks that have helped me to focus, plan and combat that huge anxiety about whether my business will work. Secondly, she's had a huge impact on my mindset. when I'm worried about what step to take, thanks to Sophie, I now think about how I want to feel and use that insight to help me choose a direction and action to get me there. Working together has genuinely left me feeling more joyful, focused and confident!

Sophie’s style of coaching has been just what I needed! a mix of practical and mindset-focused. She is also really intuitive - helping me to delve into situations that needed to be unpicked, that I hadn't realised before.

If you’re thinking about working with Sophie, I’d say go for it! She will help you grow your confidence in yourself, flex the boundaries of what you thought was possible and grow a business with arms and legs! she will also really look after you along the way.”

- Jo

“When I first started working with Sophie, I was feeling quite lost, unsure of myself and like I was just coasting along. during our time working together, I've definitely become more assertive and can express myself much better when tackling hard decisions and conversations. I'm making better and more informed decisions that don't play on my mind quite like they used to, which in turn has dramatically helped with my anxiety. 

I've learnt to love life again, I'm thriving rather than just surviving. sophie is kind, and it's been nice to have someone who is so calm and can look at things from a different approach. I've felt safe and listened to every time we've spoken. 

Working with sophie has totally transformed how I view life. I now make my own decisions and live my best life without having to sacrifice too much.”

- Bee

“Before I started working with Sophie, I had a few goals in mind but absolutely no confidence or awareness in how to go about making them a reality. Looking back to 6 months ago, that version of me is now unrecognisable. I have so much more resilience, so much more confidence and most importantly I am able to move forward using tools and techniques Sophie has shared in order to feel my best.  Even my loved ones have commented on how much happier I am and it’s absolutely true!

 Sophie has been my most level-headed and authentic cheerleader – it truly is like working with a dear friend from the get-go as she makes you feel so comfortable in sessions and hears everything you say on a deeper level. when necessary she has called me out on my lack of self-compassion and taught me how to feel proud of myself through her genuine warmness and philosophy of joy being at the forefront.

I think I’ve gone from being stuck in a hole of self-loathing, lack of direction and zero confidence to now, to quote from my most recent session, “feeling invincible!” I started a successful coaching business amidst a pandemic, built the social community I’ve always wanted and found a totally new lifestyle that brings me happiness and it’s all thanks to Sophie’s incredible support. What a difference 6 months can make if you have the right people there beside you! I cannot thank Sophie enough for helping me to transform my life and teaching me a new perspective that I will carry with me from now on.”

- Laura

 “I started working with Sophie because I was dealing with anxiety and generally feeling down on life. I got to a managerial level in my job but instead of feeling happy about it, I felt trapped and stressed and unfulfilled. Every day just felt like a chore and I really didn't know how to get myself out of the rut.

Sophie made me realise I wasn't alone in these feelings. She made me realise that my job wasn't making me happy because it didn't align with my values. It lived up to other people's expectations of success, but not mine. I learnt that it's okay to want to go down a different path. she also shared some tools and everyday activities with me that helped me to start seeing the joy in every day. I now feel so much more grateful for my life and do take stock of what does make me happy. I was never focused on the little things that bring joy but now I am. Life doesn't seem as tough anymore.

Sophie’s coaching style is very enthusiastic, joyful, positive and also down to earth. She always made me feel at ease and explained things in a way that always just clicked with me.

Working with Sophie is great for building your confidence and making you feel like anything is possible. she's completely non-judgemental and so friendly so you will feel comfortable opening up with her. From the work I did with her I view life completely differently and have become a more optimistic person. She will also help untangle all the messy thoughts you have in your head and make things clearer. her enthusiasm and positivity is infectious!”

- Jade