Let's have a catch up...


It’s been a long old time since I sat and wrote one of these catch up posts. I’ve just had a look through my blog archive and the last time I wrote one was at the beginning of April - boy has the world changed a lot since then! In fact, it’s hard to comprehend just how much. It’s so strange to think that since I wrote that last post, I’ve barely left my house, and yet I still feel like I have so much to catch you up on. 

So where shall we start? Well, maybe with lockdown seeing as that’s what’s been filling most of our waking thoughts for the last few months. I’ve been super lucky to have had a pretty pleasant lockdown experience - sure, it was tricky at times, but for the most part, I really did enjoy getting to spend more time at home with my husband. I know that I’m super privileged for that to have been the case, but after years of travelling so much for work, having the opportunity to slow down was very welcome.

I also feel very grateful for all of the lessons and growth that has come with this time. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to hold onto from the last few months and I’ll be writing a separate post with my “lockdown learnings”, but it’s safe to say that like most people, I’ll be emerging from this experience a different person than the one who entered it back in March, in many, many ways.

One of the things that has kept me sane during the last few months has been my work - amongst a backdrop of chaos and uncertainty, my business has gone from strength to strength, and I’ve been having so much fun working with my 1:1 clients, experimenting with new group programmes, and generally sharing as much positive and uplifting content as possible during this tricky time. 

It’s so strange to think that this time last year running my business full time was just a pipe dream, and now I have a booked out coaching practice that has helped to sustain me and my little family during a global pandemic - I feel so lucky that that’s the case, and I’m so excited to see how things continue to grow and evolve in the coming months. 

One big change that’s on the horizon business wise is that in September I’ll be going back to uni! I’ll be studying for an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, and it’s safe to say that I’m equal parts excited and terrified. It’s been a long time since I was last a student, and I’m nervous about re-learning the ropes of academia, but I’m so excited about learning more about positive psychology and wellbeing, and being able to contribute to the research in this field. I have no doubt that it will help me to be a better coach and perhaps even inspire some new ideas within my business.

Knowing that life will get very busy come September means I’m determined to make the most of the summer. We won’t be travelling abroad this year, but we’ve still got plenty to look forward to, including a camping trip with our friends next weekend. We’re also going to be taking two weeks off in August to head to Anglesey to stay with my in-laws - I’m so looking forward to spending a fortnight by the sea, relaxing and recharging after such a crazy couple of months. And of course, we’ll be continuing to make the most of everything here on our doorstep in Yorkshire - I’ve definitely fallen back in love with this place I’m lucky enough to call home.

So, I think that’s about it - it’s been a busy few months, and I know that life isn’t about to slow down anytime soon, but do you know what? I’m really bloody happy with how everything is going at the moment.

Tell me - what’s been going on in your life recently?