Introducing... Finding Joy

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What is joy? Why is it important? And how do I go about figuring out what brings me joy? These are all questions I get asked a lot - by clients, by podcast listeners, by just about anybody who I share my job title with.

And I get it - we’re not raised in a way that puts joy front and centre in our lives. Instead we’re taught to strive for more money and more status and more success. Joy can often feel like a secondary thing - something on the periphery that we’ll get round to once we’ve ticked all of the other boxes.

But the thing is, joy is the magic ingredient that makes everything else that little bit better. Our relationships, our careers, our health, our ability to copy with the world around us - they all improve when we prioritise joy.

But how do we start? How do we know what steps to take to start inviting more joy in? How do we do it in a way that honours who we are as unique humans with different priorities and needs? That’s exactly where this guide comes in. Enter: Finding Joy.

Finding Joy is the first in a series of 3 self led coaching guides I’ll be releasing this year. The idea behind these guides is to make some of the tools, questions and exercises that I use with my 1:1 coaching clients more accessible.

The guides contain a blend of mini coaching audio downloads and a beautifully designed editable PDF workbook, and this first one is all about Finding Joy. You'll learn more about what joy is and why it's so important, before figuring out exactly what will bring you more joy and planning some changes to help you invite more of it into your life.

What is it?

Finding Joy is a self led coaching guide that is designed to help you figure out what brings you joy and then set about inviting more of it into your life

How does it work?

When you download the guide you’ll have access to 9 mini audio coaching downloads sharing the approach I used to help clients find joy, as well as a beautifully designed workbook to help you apply the learnings to your own life

What will I learn?

The guide covers key topics, including:

- what is joy?

- why is joy so important?

- what's been holding you back so far?

- getting to know yourself better

- planning joyful changes

- the importance of reflection

I so hope you love this first guide and that it helps you on your own journey to living a more joyful life!


Look at how far you've come


The things that brought me joy in 2020