The things that brought me joy in 2020

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I was looking back through some of my old blog posts the other day, digging around for inspiration for upcoming content and generally indulging my craving for nostalgia when I came across this post - my manifesto for 2020.

I published it on January 3rd, long before I’d even heard the word coronavirus, and when I was still blissfully ignorant about what 2020 would hold. But what struck me when I read it back was how much of what I’d written in that manifesto had come to be this year. 

There are a few things in that blog post that our circumstances have made impossible - hosting more dinner parties for example, or spending less time behind a screen. But there are so many things that I have managed - I’ve redefined what adventure means to me, I’ve felt more connected to my home city, I’ve taken more risks and I’ve spent more time in nature than ever before.

It has become very much the norm this year to talk about how crap 2020 has been, to count down to the new year, to dream about the fresh slate that 2021 will bring. But reflecting on what has been possible in the last 12 months has helped me change my thinking slightly. It’s helped me remember just how much joy has existed amongst the sadness and anxiety and loneliness, and that’s what I wanted to focus on today.

I don’t want to shrug off or gloss over the hard parts of this year (and trust me, there have been more than I’ve perhaps shared here or on social media), but I also don’t want to forget the joyful moments either. And so here’s a list of the things that brought me joy in 2020. 

Writing this has given me an immense sense of gratitude, and it’s helped me to remember that even during the hardest of times, love and magic and adventure and joy still exist. How wonderful is that?


Ringing in the new year in our very favourite way - a walk on the sunny moors with our family.

Volunteering at our local food bank. It’s been so great to feel like a part of our community and contribute in a positive way each week. 

Finding out that I’m going to be an auntie again! I can’t wait to meet my brand new niece in the spring. 

Reading more than ever before. I set myself the challenge of reading 100 books this year, and it has been the perfect form of 2020 escapism.

Finding tonnes of beautiful walks right here on our doorstep - I never realised how beautiful our local area was before this year. 

Feeling in tune with nature and watching the seasons change.

Dancing along to Bombay Bicycle Club at my only proper gig of the year. 

Eating all the tasty food my husband has been learning to cook - from tacos to salads, curries to roasts, I’ve been a very lucky and well-fed wife. 

Sunny road trips to the seaside with Sam, complete with fish and chips and blustery walks. 

Celebrating two of my friends delivering beautiful baby boys into the world and feeling oh so proud of them. 

Watching our gorgeous nephew grow up before our eyes - he has been one of the main sources of my smiles this year!

Socially distanced camping with our pals during a weekend that involved lots of wine and loud singing in a field. 

Reconnecting with old friends and catching up. 

Launching my Find Your Thing group programme and helping over 100 people find a career that feels great to them. 

Buying myself a beautiful bike and enjoying lots of long cycle rides with Sam. 

Celebrating the 30th birthdays of my 2 best friends with garden dancing, cocktails and fireside seances on the beach. 

Swimming outdoors in lakes and the sea, and feeling oh so alive. 

A beautiful stay at Middleton Lodge, drinking champagne, eating delicious food and hanging out in the beautiful grounds.

Having our garden done, and spending so much time out there reading, BBQing and getting green fingered. 

Two glorious weeks spent by the sea in Anglesey, walking along the coastal path, hanging out with my in-laws and drinking in allllll the sea air.

Heading back to uni to study my Masters. It’s not been easy, but I’m loving it and I am SO glad I made this decision.

So many lovely friends getting engaged - I can’t wait for all the wedding fun to come!

Finding my groove with exercise. I’ve worked out more than ever before this year, and it has worked wonders for my mental health.

Celebrating 10 years of being with Sam in a cosy cabin in the woods at North Star Club. 

Monthly Zoom chats with my book club. I so missed being with them in person, but reading and chatting with them was such a solace during the hardest months. 

A beautiful lockdown birthday - even though I couldn’t be with my friends and family, they made me feel oh so loved. 

Getting to work with the most incredible clients, week in, week out. I never take that for granted.

Growing in confidence as a business owner, and dreaming up plans for the future.

Figuring out how to truly take each day as it comes in a way that I’ve always struggled with. 

Feeling more content with my little life than I’ve ever felt before. 

What’s been bringing you joy in 2020?


Introducing... Finding Joy


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