Introducing... The Joyful You: 100 days of prompts to help you find your most joyful you

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On Thursday 23rd September, there will be just 100 days standing between us and 2021. How are you gonna use them?

At this time of year it’s tempting to admit defeat. To let the last few months of the year run away with us. To put ourselves at the bottom of the to do list as we try to struggle through the deadlines and social commitments and busy schedules. To put our hopes and ambitions on the backburner, ready to pick them up again once January arrives. 

But there are still over 100 days left to go before the new year rolls around. What if you used those 100 days to get to know yourself better? What if you used those 100 days prioritising yourself in small but consistent ways? What if you used those 100 days to make changes that will truly bring you joy?

How amazing would it feel to get to New Year’s Eve feeling joyful and content, rather than burnt out and exhausted? How great would it feel to take some time for you amidst the chaos of this year?

Enter The Joyful You: 100 days of prompts to help you find your most joyful you.

What is The Joyful You?

The Joyful You is a 100 day project that’s going to help you use these last 100 days of the year to connect with the most joyful version of you. Designed to harness the power of positivity, authenticity and small daily actions, it’ll help you to end the year feeling joyful and content, rather than tired and directionless.

How does it work?

When you sign up to The Joyful You, you’ll be invited to join a private Facebook group. Starting on Thursday 23rd September, I will share a new prompt in the group every day for 100 days, finishing on Friday 31st December.

The prompts will vary each day, but will include questions to ponder, small exercises to complete, and mini lists to make. They are designed to help you get to know yourself better, identify what brings you joy and make some gentle changes to prioritise your own happiness. Each prompt will take between 5-20 minutes to complete so that they can be easily slotted into your day. 

Each week the prompts will be based around a core theme (for example, owning your story so far, practicing gratitude, cultivating positivity, etc) which I will share with you in the group via a live video. In each live video I’ll provide a bit of context as to why I’ve chosen the theme, explain how the prompts will help you to tackle that theme, and answer any questions you might have. A sort of mini group coaching call just for The Joyful You project members, if you will.

How much does it cost?

The Joyful You project costs £35 (+VAT).

What exactly do I get?

  • Access to a private Facebook community group

  • 100 daily prompts to inspire focused action and change

  • 15 live videos from me discussing the weekly theme & prompts

  • Support from me in the Facebook group to help keep you on track

Who is The Joyful You for?

  • Anyone who is determined to finish 2021 feeling more joyful

  • Anyone who wants to discover a little more about themselves before the new year rolls round

  • Anyone who has struggled to prioritise themselves and their joy recently

  • Anyone who could benefit from some gentle support and encouragement

When does it start?

You’ll be invited to join the group on Tuesday 21st September and the first daily prompt will be shared in the group on Thursday 23rd September.

When do I need to sign up by?

In order to give me enough time to organise the Facebook group, doors to The Joyful You will close at 7pm (BST) on Monday 20th September. 


Do I have to have Facebook to take part in this project?

Unfortunately, yes. There isn’t an alternative platform out there at the moment that allows me to share the daily prompts while also getting to chat and support you guys in a group format.

I’m already super busy, will I be able to keep up?

Yes! The prompts have been designed to easily slip into your day to day life, so they won’t take a huge amount of time. Small daily action can create big change, and that’s what we’ll be harnessing with this project.

I’m not based in the UK, can I still take part?

100% YES! No elements of this project are impacted by timezone, so as long as you have access to Facebook, you should be able to join in from wherever you are. 

I took part in Last 100 Days/First 100 Days, is this just the same thing?

No! While the format is the same as Last 100 Days and First 100 Days, the focus of this project is different. Instead of exploring goal setting, we will be focusing on joy and how to invite more of it into our lives, as well as getting to know ourselves better. There will be some similar prompts, but plenty of new ones too!

However, if you enjoyed the format of Last 100 Days or First 100 Days, I think you’ll really enjoy The Joyful You.