5 questions for anyone feeling stuck right now

Every so often I find that a theme starts showing up in my coaching calls. I support my clients with a whole host of different things, but sometimes, despite those varieties, similar subjects start to pop up. 

Right now, that theme is feeling stuck. And it’s not just coaching clients - I’ve noticed it with friends, I’ve seen people posting about it on social media, and I’ve felt it myself too. It’s such a frustrating way to feel - tired, devoid of inspiration, and without the motivation to get out there and find any.

I’m sure it’s a feeling that a lot of you can relate to, and so today I thought I’d share the 5 questions I always come back to whenever I’m feeling stuck. They help me to take stock of where I am right now, clear out all of the negative energy hanging around my brain, and get focussed on what I need to do next. Hopefully they’ll help you to do the same. 

1) Where is my energy going right now? 

This question is a great way to take stock and understand where exactly your energy is going right now. Think about how you’re spending your time, where you’re spending your money and how your energy levels are feeling right now. What activities in your life right now leave you feeling energised? Is there anything that is making you feel depleted?

2) What do you want your life to look like in one year’s time?

If you’re stuck in a bit of a rut, a great way to gain some clarity is to think about what you want your life to look like in a year’s time. Take some time to visualise exactly how you would love your life to look on this date in 2023, and then think about what needs to change to make your vision a reality. 

3) What am I craving most in my life right now?

Thinking about what you’re craving in your life right now is a great way to get back in touch with your intuition when you’re feeling disconnected. Take notice of what it is you find yourself daydreaming about, or what you envy about other people’s lives - what can these things teach you about what you’re craving in your own life?

4) How am I currently getting in my own way?

Us humans like to self sabotage, and quite often we do it without even realising. Spend some time thinking about how you might currently be getting in your own way. Are you giving power over to beliefs and stories that aren’t true? Are you comparing yourself to others? How are you procrastinating? You can only fix the problem once you’ve identified it. 

5) What small change can I make today?

Finally, once you’ve worked through the questions above, ask yourself what small thing you can today to make a change. We often set ourselves big goals that can feel overwhelming, but breaking your goal down into tiny baby steps can make it feel much more manageable. Plus, you’ll find that once you take action, you’ll start to feel the positive momentum building behind you.

So, there you have it, 5 questions for anybody feeling stuck right now. I really hope that they help you if you’re in a bit of a rut at the moment, and I’d love to hear how you get on.